Monday, September 16, 2013

Summer takes over

It has been over three months since I last posted!  Wow what a break that was.  I didn't intend not to blog but the summer months are some of my busiest and the chores of the garden, chickens and home became more important.  I always say that I have much more time in the winter when there's four feet of snow outside. 

Our summer has come and nearly gone in a flash.  Our garden has been a fruitful blessing keeping us full of root vegetables, tomatoes and cucumbers.  Our squash (both summer and winter) were a complete failure this year which is very sad. 

We moved to a new home at the end of July which was wonderful but moving is never fun, now matter how much you try to enjoy it.  We are now settled and in our usual routine of chickens, garden and homeschooling. 

We are about to go camping for the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot which, for us, begins at sundown on September 18th (the 15th day of the seventh biblical month).  We will be camping locally so that I can still manage my chicken flock and garden duties. 

Over the summer we have enjoyed hiking and foraging which has resulted in us finding Chaga, Hen of the Woods and Reishi Mushrooms.  I will blog about these wonderful finds very soon. 

We were trying to raise turkeys this year but unfortunately we lost all 11 that we originally purchased.  I had bought the Chocolate Turkey breed which is an endangered species of turkey.  I would like to try again next year but maybe with a different breed. 

I just wanted to post a quick update and then in the coming weeks I will post about our foraging finds and also our camping and wilderness experience over Sukkot. 

Winter is coming down upon us faster than I could ever imagine.  Tonight we have a frost warning and the temperature is dropping to 32 F.   I will have to see if my plants make it through the chilly night...