Friday, November 23, 2012

"So you don't celebrate christmas?"

No, we don't celebrate christmas, easter, birthdays, halloween, mother's day, father's day or thanksgiving.  Our faith and our trust in our Heavenly Father Yahuah is what drove us to make these changes in our lives.

We keep the weekly Sabbath or Shabbat (which is Saturday) and the festivals of our Heavenly Father which are given to us in Leviticus 23 namely Passover, Matzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread), First Fruits, Shavu'ot (Pentecost), Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) Yom Kippor (Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (Tabernacles). 

Rather than re-type or paste pages of others' information, I will post links to their articles.  We have learned so much from so many including: Lew White of Fossilized Customs; Walter Veith of Amazing Discoveries.  His Total Onslaught Series is fantastic; Avi Ben Mordechai of Millennium 7000.  His video and books on Galatians and understanding the Law are exceptional; Jim Staley of Passion for Truth Ministries. Jim's video presentation called Truth or Tradition is concise and informative. 

The following selection of articles may be informative reading for you.

We also follow the dietary laws given to us in Leviticus 11.  Jim Staley has another great video called To Eat or Not to Eat part 1 and part 2

Reading material that we enjoy includes: Halleluyah Scriptures; The Restoration Study Bible; The Complete Jewish Bible; the Companion Bible; Strong's Concordance; Aramaic English Bible; Hebrew English Bible; Dake's Annotated Reference Bible; The Apocrypha and books from the Ethiopic Bible; The Book of Yasher; Vain Traditions; The complete works of Philo; The complete works of Josephus; Should Christians be Torah Observant by Carmen Welker; Come Out of Her My People by C.W. Steinle; The Drama of the Lost Disciples by George F. Jowett; The Traditions of Glastonbury by E.Raymond Capt; Yeshua: A guide to the real Jesus and the Original Church by Dr Ron Moseley; The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop. 

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