Thursday, November 8, 2012

Do I have time for a blog?

I have wanted to keep a blog for quite some time.  We have spent the last few years changing our lifestyle for a healtier, more fulfilling path and I have often wanted to write it down.  Many times I have started a post and then deleted it half-finished, convincing myself that I really don't have time to record all the wonderful details of our day-to-day or week-to-week activities. 

My husband, the Big Chicken, works full-time and I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.  I'm the Frugal Chicken.  We have one chick - Chicken Man, who is 5. 

I try my best to make as much of our food, cleaning and beauty products myself.  I was inspired by the wonderful website Frugally Sustainable (  This year we have raised an exceptionally large number of chickens in the hope that they will have their own chicks next Spring.  Chickens are a huge part of my life, aside from the Big Chicken and Chicken Man.  I have nurtured tiny chicks watching them grow into beautiful birds.  I have even tried my hand at processing some of the chickens myself but I'm just not as quick as the wonderful farmer that has the machinery to make everything happen much faster.

I am raising Dominiques, Australorps, Buff Orpingtons and Delawares.  The Doms and the Australorps are my favorites.  My sister-in-law has an Australorp that we call Mama.  She took herself off, laid a clutch of eggs and successfully hatched 6 little chicks.  She had made a home for herself in an old wood and brush pile near the garden but alas, a fox found her and her chicks one night and four were killed.  The two that survived are beautiful roosters (Australorp/Leghorn). 

I recently lost a handful of chickens to a hungry skunk who was passing through the area but we have around 90 chickens left.  Some will be processed in a few weeks and the rest will be wintered.  I am still very excited each day when I go and collect eggs.  They are still quite small (the chickens ages are between 18 and 26 weeks) but so very tasty and I feel a real sense of achievement.  I am confident that with the Australorps and the Dominiques we should have some Mama action going on in the Spring, relinquishing me of some of my chicken-mother duties.

The sun is getting ready to rise and that means I need to go and tend to my flock. 

Frugally Sustainable Blog Hop

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