Friday, June 7, 2013

Cordless Coffee

Last year, I decided that there had to be a way to brew our morning coffee without using our electric coffee maker.  After a few minutes searching on Google I found this:

The Big Chicken and I loved it from the moment we first set eyes on it.  It is simple, effective and well, it works.  We have the 8 cup classic.  Recently I found reusable coffee filters on Etsy.   They are $8 for two filters.  Once I have used them I rinse them out and then hang them to dry.  I boil them maybe once a week.  They rinse very easily and none of the coffee grains get stuck in the cotton.   


I had tried making my own filters using fine weave cheese cloth but the filters that I purchased are made from organic cotton and much better. 

I use two scoops of coffee for every cup of water.  So for three cups of water - 6 scoops of coffee.  It sounds like a lot but we do prefer our coffee to be a bit stronger than average and I found that using 1 scoop per cup made very weak coffee.  I'm sure it comes down to personal preference.  You boil your water and then pour a small amount of water over your ground coffee.  You now allow the grains to "bloom".  They swell slightly and then you add the rest of the water. 

We run the coffee through two to three times to get a nice, strong brew.  Obviously the Chemex paper filters slow the water/coffee flow but they were also costly and another item that I had to dispose of.

I have to say that we love our cordless coffee maker, yes it looks like a funny looking vase, but it makes good coffee.

Frugally Sustainable Blog Hop #75

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